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Outdoor kitchens, pizza ovens and fireplaces

Outdoor Kitchens, Pizza Ovens and Fireplaces

"The other night I was driving home late and as I turned onto the street my headlights painted the rock wall you and your folks installed. To say it was distinctive would sell the job way too short. The wall is the only one of its type in the neighborhood and its addition to my property makes the entire immediate area look authentically New England. As you remember, having the type of loose rock typical for this area of Massachusetts was important to me when we first talked about installing the rock wall about three years ago. I’m glad we went ahead and finished the wall when we did. I am most pleased with the job, your work and the overall effect of the wall on my property. As you know, I was so pleased with your work at my home that the next year you completed rock walls at our family house in Rhode Island and at my son’s house in Scituate, Massachusetts. Again, we stayed with the theme of keeping each rock wall authentic to the rock walls typical of the general area of New England. In Rhode Island we used a flat blue stone approach. You wouldn’t believe how many compliments we have received from the neighborhood regarding that blue stone rock wall. It is beautiful. It is absolutely perfect for the area. As far as my son’s property is concerned, we took yet another approach there, using a single row of indigenous stones typical for the area. I was just there last night and the wall looks great. Being able to provide the needed craftsmanship typical for each area of New England was important to each job. In each of the three projects, everything turned out fine. I am very pleased with the quality of your work and the craftsmanship of your workers is simply amazing. Feel free to drive prospective clients by any of our houses and show them your work. I’m sure your clients will be as impressed with your work as I remain."

Michael J. Wade 110 Holly Road
Marshfield, MA



honed indiana limestone fireplace